Mobile APP, Mobile Friendly & AMP’d

When was the last time you thought a Mobile APP might just be the best SEO route to get better exposure or for that matter, the best way to own your own market? Time to start thinking about this! PixelGR is changing the way mobile apps are done. Let’s chat for a few minutes and see how one can benefit your business and help you stand out even further.

Interested? Click here for a quick consult. It only takes a minute and most of this can be handled via email.


Does your website speak mobile? There’s more to it than having a website or even a pretty website; it has to be mobile friendly and functional. So many of your clients use mobile devices daily and your site should be up for the task.

The next step is to make sure your site is AMP optimized. Not sure what that is? We’ll help you.


57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site. (socPub)

As of March 2017, 80% of TOP Alexa websites were Mobile Adaptive. (Mobiforge)

By 2019, mobile advertising is expected to reach 72% of all digital ad spending. (Marketingland)

80% of internet users own a smartphone. (Smart Insights)

80% of social media time is spent on a mobile device (comScore)

Our mobile services


  • Mobile Websites
  • SMS Marketing
  • Mobile Search Campaigns
  • Mobile Commerce
  • 2D Barcodes/QR Codes
  • Mobile App Development
  • Mobile Marketing display campaigns

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Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.

Jim Rohn – American author, business man and entrepreneur